
Olympic Casino Keldi A


Corporate Profile

Olympic Entertainment Group AS with its subsidiaries (hereinafter the “Group”) is the leading provider of gaming services in the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and operates casinos in Slovakia, Italy and Malta.

Olympic Casino Keldi Arcade

As at 31 December 2018, the Group had a total of 114 casinos and 23 betting points. At 31 December 2018, the Group operated 24 casinos in Estonia, 52 in Latvia, 17 in Lithuania, 6 in Slovakia, 14 in Italy and 1 in Malta. The Group employed 2,852 employees in 6 countries.

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Olympic Casino Keldi And The City

Our vision

Our vision is to be a global casino and resort operator, best known for our excellent service and creative design.

Our mission


To give our guests a customer orientated, secure and safe environment with the finest design and craftsmanship, unparalleled in the industry and supported by the excellence of our name and reputation.