Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Program Detail. Similarly Tagged Content. C# (CSharp) Blackjack Card - 30 examples found. These are the top rated real world C# (CSharp) examples of Blackjack.Card extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples.
- Here is the code so far: namespace Blackjack class Program static Player players = new Player5; static int pointer = 0; class PlayingCard public string Suit; public int Value; public int Points; // Alternate Constructor with 2 parameters - Int for Suit, Int for Value // We use this in the generateDeck function public PlayingCard(int.
- A game of blackjack in Java. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
WASHINGTON — The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency awarded Lockheed Martin a $5.8 million contract for satellite integration work for the Blackjack program, the company announced April 24.
Blackjack is a project to deploy a constellation of 20 satellites in low Earth orbit by 2022 and demonstrate that a LEO system can provide global high-speed communications.
Lockheed Martin will define and manage interfaces between Blackjack’s satellite buses, payloads and the so-called Pit Boss autonomous data processor. The work will be performed at the company’s satellite manufacturing plant in Sunnyvale, California.
“This is an exciting new approach to plug-and-play design for LEO,” said Sarah Reeves, vice president of missile defense programs at Lockheed Martin.
With Blackjack, DARPA seeks to demonstrate key technologies needed for a global high-speed network in LEO that the Defense Department can use for broadband communication and can adapt for other purposes like missile defense or navigation.
During the satellite integration phase of the program, multiple types of payloads provided by different vendors will be evaluated for use in communications, missile defense, PNT (positioning, navigation, timing) and ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance).
For the Blackjack program, DARPA has selected buses from Airbus, Blue Canyon Technologies and Telesat. Payload suppliers include Collins Aerospace, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Trident, SA Photonics, Airbus, Systems & Technology Research, Sky Quantum and L3Harris. Scientific Systems Company, SEAKR Engineering and BAE Systems are developing Pit Boss concepts.
DARPA wants to make plug-and-play satellites where new payloads can be added without having to redesign the bus. That approach would allow the military to speed up the production and lower the cost of satellites compared to traditional acquisitions of custom-built spacecraft.
The plan is to launch the first two satellites in 2021 and 18 more in 2022.
House Of Blackjack Codes
Blackjack C++ Program
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/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is a simple Blackjack (21) game simulator. //
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
const unsigned int MAX_HAND_CARDS = 10;
const unsigned int MAX_DECK_CARDS = 52;
// This is the Card Class which represents each card in the game. //
class Card {
// ASCII code of each card
enum suit { HEARTS = 3, DIAMONDS, CLUBS, SPADES };
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Card aCard);
Card(rank r = ACE, suit s = SPADES, bool cardfaceup = true);
unsigned int GetCardValue() const;
void FlipCard();
bool GetFace();
rank cardRank;
suit cardSuit;
bool cardIsFaceUp;
// Card class constructor
Card::Card(rank r, suit s, bool cardFaceUp): cardRank(r), cardSuit(s), cardIsFaceUp(cardFaceUp)
// Returns the real value of card if greater than 10
unsigned int Card::GetCardValue() const
int cardValue = 0;
if (cardIsFaceUp)
cardValue = cardRank;
if (cardValue > 10)
cardValue = 10;
return cardValue;
// For hiding the the first card of dealer
void Card::FlipCard()
cardIsFaceUp = !cardIsFaceUp;
// Check if the card is facing up
bool Card::GetFace()
return cardIsFaceUp;
// This is the Deck Class which represents a deck of cards. //
// Each deck in the game can have up to 52 cards maximum. //
class Deck {
Deck(unsigned int dPos = 0);
void ClearDeck();
void PopulateDeck();
void ShuffleDeck();
bool DeckIsEmpty();
void AddCardToDeck(Card pCard);
unsigned int CurrentPosition();
Card GiveCardToPlayer();
unsigned int deckCurrentPos;
Card deckCards[MAX_DECK_CARDS];
// Deck class constructor
Deck::Deck(unsigned int dPos) : deckCurrentPos(dPos)
// Empty destructor
// Current position in the array
unsigned int Deck::CurrentPosition()
return deckCurrentPos;
// Reset position of array
void Deck::ClearDeck()
deckCurrentPos = 0;
// Create an array of Card objects
void Deck::PopulateDeck()
for (int s = Card::HEARTS; s <= Card::SPADES; s++)
for (int r = Card::ACE; r <= Card::KING; r++)
// Shuffle the array of cards
void Deck::ShuffleDeck()
srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)));
for (int i = 0; i < (MAX_DECK_CARDS - 1); i++)
int r = i + (rand() % (MAX_DECK_CARDS - i));
Card tempCard = deckCards[i];
deckCards[i] = deckCards[r];
deckCards[r] = tempCard;
// Check if we have an empty deck
bool Deck::DeckIsEmpty()
return (deckCurrentPos <= 0);
// Helper function to PopulateDeck()
void Deck::AddCardToDeck(Card pCard)
deckCards[deckCurrentPos++] = pCard;
// Start dealing cards from the last index
Card Deck::GiveCardToPlayer()
if (!DeckIsEmpty())
return deckCards[--deckCurrentPos];
// If cards ran out, we simply
// re-shuffle the deck
deckCurrentPos = MAX_DECK_CARDS;
return deckCards[--deckCurrentPos];
// This is the Hand Class which represents a hand of cards. //
// Each hand in the game can have up to 10 cards maximum. //
class Hand {
Hand(unsigned int hPos = 0, unsigned int pPos = 0);
void ClearHand();
void FlipFirstCard();
bool HandIsEmpty();
bool HandIsFull();
Card RetrieveCard();
void AddCardToHand(Card handCard);
unsigned int GetHandTotal() const;
unsigned int GetHandLastPosition() const;
unsigned int handCurrentPos;
unsigned int playerCardPos;
Card handCards[MAX_HAND_CARDS];
// Hand class constructor
Hand::Hand(unsigned int hPos, unsigned int pPos) : handCurrentPos(hPos), playerCardPos(pPos)
{ }
// Empty Hand class destructor
// Reset hand
void Hand::ClearHand()
playerCardPos = handCurrentPos = 0;
// Flip dealer's first card
void Hand::FlipFirstCard()
// Check if we have an empty hand
bool Hand::HandIsEmpty()
return (handCurrentPos < 0);
// Check if we have a full hand
bool Hand::HandIsFull()
return (handCurrentPos >= MAX_HAND_CARDS);
// Retrieve a card from hand
Card Hand::RetrieveCard()
return handCards[playerCardPos++];
// Add a card from deck to hand
void Hand::AddCardToHand(Card handCard)
if (!HandIsFull())
handCards[handCurrentPos++] = handCard;
// Get hand total value
unsigned int Hand::GetHandTotal() const
if (handCards[0].GetCardValue() 0)
return 0;
int total = 0;
// Start from top most card
for (int i = GetHandLastPosition(); i >= 0; i--)
total += handCards[i].GetCardValue();
// Check if we have an Ace
bool cardHasAce = false;
for (int i = GetHandLastPosition(); i >= 0; i--)
if (handCards[i].GetCardValue() Card::ACE)
cardHasAce = true;
// If we have an ace and our total is <= 11
// then we make the ace equal to 11
if (cardHasAce && total <= 11)
total += 10;
return total;
// Get the hand's last position
unsigned int Hand::GetHandLastPosition() const
return handCurrentPos - 1;
// This is the Player Class which represents a player of the game. //
class Player {
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Player aPlayer);
Player(const string playerName);
void Clear();
string GetPlayerName() const;
void SetPlayerName(string name);
bool IsEmpty();
bool IsHitting() const;
void FlipDealerFirstCard();
void ReceiveCard(Card playerCard);
bool IsBusted() const;
unsigned int GetCardTotal() const;
unsigned int GetPosition() const;
string playerName;
Card playerCard;
Hand playerHand;
// Player class constructor
Player::Player(const string pName) : playerName(pName)
// Set default name for player
playerName = 'Dealer';
// Empty Player class destructor
// Get player's name
// Can be used in multi-player game
string Player::GetPlayerName() const
return playerName;
// Set player's name
void Player::SetPlayerName(string name)
playerName = name;
// Check if player's hand has no card
bool Player::IsEmpty()
return playerHand.HandIsEmpty();
// Reset player's hand
void Player::Clear()
// Check if the player or dealer is still
// asking for additional cards
// In the dealer's case, if the card value
// is <= 16 then we continue giving additional
// cards
bool Player::IsHitting() const
if (playerName != 'Dealer')
cout << endl << playerName << ', do you want to hit? (y/n): ';
char response;
cin >> response;
return (response 'y' response 'Y');
return (playerHand.GetHandTotal() <= 16);
// Flip dealer's first card
void Player::FlipDealerFirstCard()
if (!(playerHand.HandIsEmpty()))
// Add a new card to player's hand
void Player::ReceiveCard(Card playerCard)
// Check if player or dealer is busted
bool Player::IsBusted() const
return (playerHand.GetHandTotal() > 21);
// Get hand total
unsigned int Player::GetCardTotal() const
return playerHand.GetHandTotal();
// Get the player's hand's last position
unsigned int Player::GetPosition() const
return playerHand.GetHandLastPosition();
// This is the Game Class which represents the game itself. //
class Game {
Game(string s);
void Play();
void ShowTable();
void AnnounceWinner();
void IfDeckIsEmpty();
void ClearGame();
string name;
Deck *gameDeck;
Player dealer;
Player player1;
// Game class constructor
// string can be set up as an array of string
// for use with multiple players
Game::Game(string s) : name(s)
gameDeck = new Deck(0);
// Game destructor
delete gameDeck;
// The blackjack game logic
void Game::Play()
// Always check if we have an empty deck
if (gameDeck->DeckIsEmpty())
// Deal 2 cards initially
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
// Hide dealer's first card
// Display everyone's cards
// Get more cards from deck
while (!player1.IsBusted() && player1.IsHitting())
if (gameDeck->DeckIsEmpty())
// Show dealer's first card
// Dealer's turn to hit
while (!dealer.IsBusted() && dealer.IsHitting())
if (gameDeck->DeckIsEmpty())
// Show the cards and announce the winner
if (!gameDeck->DeckIsEmpty())
// Show the players and cards
void Game::ShowTable()
cout << string(50, 'n');
cout << 'tWelcome to Simple Casino's BlackJack Game!' << endl << endl;
cout << left << setw(10) << dealer.GetPlayerName() << dealer << endl;
cout << left << setw(10) << player1.GetPlayerName() << player1 << endl;
// Who won the game?
void Game::AnnounceWinner()
cout << endl;
if (player1.GetCardTotal() > 21)
cout << player1.GetPlayerName() << ' busts, Dealer Wins.' << endl;
else if (dealer.GetCardTotal() > 21)
cout << dealer.GetPlayerName() << ' busts, ' << player1.GetPlayerName() << ' Wins!' << endl;
else if (player1.GetCardTotal() 21)
cout << player1.GetPlayerName() << ' hit a BlackJack, ' << player1.GetPlayerName() << ' Wins!' << endl;
else if (dealer.GetCardTotal() 21)
cout << dealer.GetPlayerName() << ' hit a BlackJack, ' << player1.GetPlayerName() << ' lose.' << endl;
else if (player1.GetCardTotal() > dealer.GetCardTotal())
cout << player1.GetPlayerName() << ' Wins!' << endl;
else if (dealer.GetCardTotal() > player1.GetCardTotal())
cout << dealer.GetPlayerName() << ' Wins.' << endl;
cout << 'It's a tie!' << endl;
// This is what we do if we have an empty deck
// Just create a new deck object
void Game::IfDeckIsEmpty()
delete gameDeck;
gameDeck = new Deck(0);
// Reset the game
void Game::ClearGame()
// Client Program //
// Set the function prototype for the overloaded << operator
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Card aCard);
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Player aPlayer);
int main()
string name;
char ans = 'y';
cout << 'Enter your name: ';
cin >> name;
Game *aGame = new Game(name);
while (ans 'y' ans 'Y')
cout << 'nPlay Again? (y/n): ';
cin >> ans;
delete aGame;
return 0;
// Overloaded << operator for use with the Card object
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Card aCard)
const string RANKS[] = {'0', 'A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10',
'J', 'Q', 'K'};
if (aCard.cardIsFaceUp)
os << RANKS[aCard.cardRank] << (char) aCard.cardSuit << 't';
// Hide card
os << 'XX' << 't';
return os;
// Overloaded << operator for use with the Player object
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, Player aPlayer)
if (!aPlayer.IsEmpty())
for (int i = aPlayer.playerHand.GetHandLastPosition(); i >= 0; i--)
os << aPlayer.playerHand.RetrieveCard();
if (aPlayer.GetCardTotal() != 0)
cout << '[' << aPlayer.GetCardTotal() << ']';
os << 'Error: Empty Hand';
return os;